The Stoodleigh
72 Shuter Street (1904 - 1919)
80 King Street W. (Toronto Star Building) (1929 - 1971)
22 Adelaide Street W. (1934 - Closing)
167 Yonge Street
1 Yonge Street (Toronto Star Building) (1971 - Closing)
Ontario Place
Toronto, Ontario
  • Stoodleigh Cafeteria (1909 - 1934).
  • Opened in Toronto Star Building in 1929.
  • The Stoodleigh was named after a manor in Devonshire, England.
(Opened 1904 ;  Closed)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
[1983] Sal Scavuzzo Chef or Executive Chef
[1932 - 1950] Lawrence Kisel Butcher
1931 - 1974 Mike Gludish Baker
[1930 - 1952] Thomas McKay Chef or Executive Chef
[1929 - 1971] Kathleen Jones --
[1929 - 1971] Robert Hastings Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
[1971] Bill Taylor Manager
[1949 - 1971] Arnold Taylor Manager
[1934 - 1971] Gladys Gilchrist Manager
1931 - 1945 George Shier Manager
[1930 - 1952] Mabel Kring Waiter/Waitress
[1927 - 1957] Hulda Henry Waiter/Waitress
1904 - 1940 Mary Grace Taylor Co-owner/Partner
[1904 - 1940] Richard Taylor Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2007-07-23

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