Bristol Place Hotel
Westin Bristol Place
950 Dixon Road
Toronto, Ontario
  • Zachary's, Le CafĂ©
(1973 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2001 - 2003 Matthew Evely Chef de Partie
  -- Shane Waite Apprentice/Commis
1994 - Present Noel Fernandez Executive Chef
[1993 - 1994] Noel Fernandez Executive Sous Chef
1991 - 1993 Trevor Ledlie Sous Chef
1987 - 1994 Dominique Dien Executive Chef
[1986] Serge Desvin Executive Chef
[1980] Walter Probst Executive Chef
1977 - 1980 Tony Roldan
Third Generation Realty Co.
Corporate Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2007 Rob Galbraith
Restaurant Manager
Last updated: 2008-08-12

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