Mission Inn Hotel & Spa
A National Historic Landmark Hotel
3649 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, California
Tel: 951.341.6767
  • Duane's; Mission Inn Restaurant; Las Campanas; Bella Trattoria
(1876 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2019 - Present Loren Lawe Executive Chef
2017 John Beriker Executive Chef
2015 - 2017 Loren Lawe Executive Chef
Director of Food & Beverage
2012 - 2015 Loren Lawe Executive Chef
2011 - 2012 Fred Mensinga Executive Chef
2010 - 2012 Loren Lawe Executive Sous Chef
2009 - 2010 Anastacio Rodriquez Chef de Cuisine
2007 - 2011 Alfredo Gutierrez Executive Chef
1996 - 1999 Sean Griffin Sous Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1880 - 1935 Frank Miller Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2021-02-15

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