Ann Amernick

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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2000 - 2014 Palena Pastry Chef
1999 - 2004 Amernick Bakery Pastry Chef
1998 Red Sage Pastry Chef
1996 - 1998 Cashion's Eat Place Pastry Chef
1984 - 1987 Chanterelle Caterers Pastry Chef
1982 - 1984 Jean-Louis Pastry Chef
1981 - 1982 Place Vendome Pastry Chef
1980 - 1981 The White House Assistant Pastry Chef
1980 - 1981 Elysee Boulangerie Pastry Chef
1980 Maison Blanche Pastry Chef
1979 - 1980 Palais Des Friandises Pastry Chef
1979 Le Pavillon Garde Manger
Pastry Chef
1976 - 1978 The Big Cheese Pastry Chef
Last updated: 2017-07-22

  • Ten Best Pastry Chefs in America, Chocolatier Magazine (2001)
  • Ten Best Pastry Chefs in America, Chocolatier Magazine (1994)



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