Frank A. Ruta

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Duration Place City Position
2024 - Present Rosedale Executive Chef
2019 - Present Annabelle Executive Chef
2017 - 2018 Mirabelle Executive Chef
2014 - 2016 The Grill Room Executive Chef
2000 - 2014 Palena Executive Chef
1996 - 1997 The River Club Executive Chef
1992 - 1994 Yannick's Chef
1991 - 1992 The Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City Grill Chef
1990 Le Pavillon Sous Chef
1988 - 1990 The White House Executive Sous Chef
1987 - 1988 Andrea Chef
1982 - 1987 The White House Executive Sous Chef
Personal Chef
1980 - 1982 The White House Assistant Chef
  -- Provence --
  -- Obelisk --
  -- Lincoln Hills Country Club Chef
  -- Omni William Penn Hotel Saucier
Last updated: 2024-11-04



Born in The United States | Born in 1957 | External references


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