J. Douglas Brown
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Member-submitted profile Member since: November 21, 2009
Duration Place City Position
2008 - Present Madison Ave Pub & Restaurant Chef
2006 - Present Schulich Executive Education Centre Sous Chef
2006 - Present Liaison College of Culinary Arts
Part Time
Chef Instructor
2006 The Laurentian Room Consulting Chef
2005 - 2006 Schmooze Event Personnel and Management
Part Time
2003 - 2004 Gibson & Lyle Executive Chef
2003 - Present J. Douglas Brown - Private Catering Chef
2002 - Present Presidential Gourmet Catering
1998 - 2003 360 Restaurant Sous Chef
1996 - 1998 The Town Grill
Opening Chef
1994 - 1996 Bloor Street Diner Sous Chef
Last updated: 2009-11-22


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