Pedro Cabezuelo

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Duration Place City Position
[1981] Mushrooms Owner/Proprietor
1980 - 1981 The Monks Cellar Co-owner/Partner
[1980] The Monks Kitchen Co-owner/Partner
[1979 - 1980] La Paella Co-owner/Partner
[1979 - 1980] Winners Co-owner/Partner
[1978 - 1980] The Monks on Balmuto Co-owner/Partner
  -- Simpsons-in-the-Strand Chef or Executive Chef
[1976 - 1977] Glossops Chef & Co-owner
  -- Parkes Chef & Co-owner
[1975] Tramps Chef & Co-owner
[1974] La Bastille Chef & Co-owner
  -- Aquarius 51 Maitre d'
  -- Le Provençal Maitre d'
[1970 - 1971] Le Connoisseur Maitre d'
Last updated: 2008-03-02


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