Deron Mitchell

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Member-submitted profile Member since: November 27, 2006
Duration Place City Position
1999 - Present Halpern Enterprises Wine Imports Senior Accounts Director
1997 - 1999 Ristorante Boccaccio Assistant Food & Beverage Director
1995 - 1997 La Reserve Manager
1994 - 1995 Park Avenue Manager
1992 - 1994 Paese Manager
1990 - 1992 Allo Bistro Manager
1990 Cosimo's Server
1989 Clarice Server
1989 Brunello Server
1985 - 1989 Geppetto's Dining Lounge Captain
1984 - 1985 Lokshen Alfredo Server
1984 Trattoria Bucci Server
1982 - 1984 Le Mistral Server
Last updated: 2007-01-28


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