Yannick Cam

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Duration Place City Position
2009 - Present Bistro Provence Chef & Owner
2004 - 2009 Le Paradou Chef & Co-owner
2002 - 2004 Le Relais Consulting Chef
[1998 - 1999] El Catalan Chef & Owner
1997 - 1998 El Catalan Chef & Co-owner
[1994] Provence Chef & Owner
[1994 - 1996] Coco Loco Chef & Owner
[1991 - 1998] Yannick's Chef & Owner
1978 - 1990 Le Pavillon Executive Chef & Partner
1977 - 1978 Le Coup de Fusil Chef
1973 - 1977 The Four Seasons Restaurant --
Last updated: 2020-07-25

Born in France | Born in 1948 | External references


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