Stéphane Carrier
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In Stéphane's own words ...
stephane carrier started cooking at the age of 14 years old in quebec city at le vendome ... french cuisine is its back round and later on in is life was trained and worked with the best in canada including claude bouillet and celestin rest ... More

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Member-submitted profile Member since: July 22, 2007
Duration Place City Position
  -- La Société Sous Chef
2012 - 2013 Le Paradis Chef de Partie
2011 - 2012 Le Vendome Chef de Cuisine
2010 - 2011 Bonjour Brioche Chef de Cuisine
2009 Restaurant L'escalier Chef de Cuisine
2008 - 2009 Olivia's At Fifty Three Executive Chef
2008 Le Chalet du Rassel Executive Chef
2007 - 2008 Maison Saint-Aubin Executive Chef
2007 L'Escargot Bistro Executive Chef
2006 Restaurant Buerehiesel Apprentice/Commis
2006 Hôtel les Pyrénées Apprentice/Commis
2006 Auberge La Fenière Apprentice/Commis
2006 La Bastide de Capelonge Apprentice/Commis
2005 - 2006 P.J. O'Brien Executive Chef
2004 - 2005 Célestin Baker
2004 Lumière Apprentice/Commis
2003 Quartier Bistro Entremetier
2002 Brasserie Aix Chef de Partie
2001 - 2002 Stéphane Carrier Fine Catering Chef & Owner
Last updated: 2020-08-14

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