David Barraza Vergara

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Member-submitted profile Member since: May 8, 2006
Duration Place City Position
2005 Duoc UC Viña del Mar
Culinary Program
Chef Instructor
2002 Montserrat Supermarket
Staff Development
Executive Chef
2002 Educational Complex Cerro Navia Chef Instructor
2002 - Present Inacap Institute Chef Instructor
2001 - 2002 Desconecxion Restaurant Executive Chef
2001 Sodexho Chile
Staff Development
Executive Chef
2001 Plaza San Francisco Hotel Kitchen Assistant
1999 - 2001 Sakura Restaurant Sushi Chef
1999 Intectur Institute Executive Chef
Kitchen Assistant
1998 La Costilla de Adán Restaurant Kitchen Assistant
1997 - 1998 Castillo Hidalgo - Event Centre Kitchen Assistant
1996 Critic Restaurant Kitchen Assistant
Last updated: 2006-05-30


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