Larry Kolar

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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2014 - Present Westlake Fish House Chef & Partner
2011 - Present On the Forks Catering Executive Chef & Owner
2009 - 2013 The Backyard Restaurant at Solé East Executive Chef
2008 - Present LK Catering Owner
  -- Zipper Factory Tavern Executive Chef
  -- Camino Sur Executive Chef
  -- Maison Executive Chef
  -- Commissary Executive Chef
  -- Commune Executive Chef
  -- Little Dove Co-chef
1998 - 1999 Bolivar Executive Chef
  -- Yellowfingers Executive Chef
  -- Arizona 206 Executive Chef
  -- The Tapas Lounge
Hospitality Inc. Group
Executive Chef
  -- Casa La Femme
Hospitality Inc. Group
Executive Chef
  -- Eros
Hospitality Inc. Group
Executive Chef
  -- Sign of the Dove Chef de Cuisine
  -- Quilted Giraffe Sous Chef
Last updated: 2016-01-02

External references


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