Adam Heath

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Member-submitted profile Member since: April 12, 2006
Duration Place City Position
2005 - Present River Oaks Country Club Sous Chef
2004 - 2005 Houston Country Club Apprentice/Commis
2003 - 2004 River Oaks Country Club Assistant Banquet Chef
2002 - 2003 The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel Apprentice/Commis
2002 The American Club Pastry Apprentice/Commis
2001 - 2002 FLIK International
Massachusetts locations
1998 - 2001 Turners Seafood
First Chef
Last updated: 2006-06-09

  • National Apprentice, U.S. Team, Bocuse d'Or, Lyon (2005)
    Result: 9 out of 24
  • Winner Southwest Region Junior Chef of the Year, - (2005)


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