Alain Senderens

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Duration Place City Position
2011 - 2016 Maimonide of Brooklyn Partner
2005 - 2013 Senderens Restaurant Chef & Owner
1985 - 2005 Alain Senderens at Lucas Carton Chef
[1981 - 1984] Maurice Consulting Chef
1968 - 1985 L'Archestrate Chef & Owner
  -- Hilton Paris Orly Sous Chef
  -- Le Berkeley Chef Poissonier
Chef Saucier
1965 - 1966 Lucas Carton Sous Chef
Chef de Partie Tournant
  -- La Tour d'Argent Garde Manger
Chef Rotisserie
  -- Ambassador Hotel Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2017-07-03

Born in France | Born in 1939 | Died in 2017 | Deceased people | External references


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