Jasper White

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Duration Place City Position
2010 - Present Towne Stove and Spirits Culinary Director
2009 - Present Georges Bank Chef & Partner
2000 - Present Summer Shack Principal Partner
Corporate Executive Chef
1995 - 2000 Jasper White - Private
Legal Seafood
Consulting Chef
1983 - 1995 Jasper's Owner/Proprietor
Executive Chef
1982 - 1983 Bostonian Hotel
Opening Chef
Executive Chef
Last updated: 2010-07-21



  • Summer Shack Cookbook, W.W. Norton (2007, Hardcover, 512 pages)
  • 50 Chowders, Scriber (2000, Hardcover, 256 pages)
  • Lobster At Home, Scriber (1998, Hardcover, 256 pages)
  • Jasper White's Cooking From New England, HarperCollins (1989, Hardcover, 367 pages)

Born in 1954 | External references


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