Michel Roux

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Duration Place City Position
2012 - 2015 Michel Roux at La Maison 1888 Chef & Operator
  -- Rouxl Britannia Chef & Co-owner
  -- Le Gamin Chef & Co-owner
1972 - 2001 The Waterside Inn Chef & Co-owner
  -- Brasserie Benoit Chef & Co-owner
1969 - 1993 Le Poulbot Chef & Co-owner
1967 - 1986 Le Gavroche Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2020-03-12

  • Michel is the younger brother of Albert Roux. Michel Roux Jr. is Albert's son and called "Jr" to avoid confusion with his Uncle Michel Roux.


  • Pastry, Quadrille Publishing Ltd. (2008, Hardcover, 304 pages)
  • Eggs, Wiley (2006, Hardcover, 304 pages)
  • Michel Roux's Finest Desserts, Rizzoli International Publications (2001, Softcover, 192 pages)
  • Michel Roux Sauces, Rizzoli International Publications (1996, Hardcover, 176 pages)

Born in 1941 | Died in 2020 | Deceased people | External references


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