Christine Manfield

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Duration Place City Position
2007 - Present Universal Restaurant Chef & Owner
2003 - 2005 East@West Executive Chef
1993 - 2000 Paramount Executive Chef
  -- Phoenix Hotel --
  -- Paragon Hotel --
Last updated: 2008-05-25

  • Fire - culinary adventures of a curious traveller, -- (2008, Hardcover)
  • Spice: Recipes to Delight the Senses, Periplus Editions (2007, Hardcover, 272 pages)
  • Christine Manfield Originals, Lantern (2006, Softcover, 170 pages)
  • Stir, Ici La Pr (2003, Hardcover)
  • Paramount Cooking, Viking Australia (2000, Hardcover, 176 pages)


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