Joseph Keller
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Member-submitted profile Member since: June 23, 2012
Duration Place City Position
2006 - 2008 Bistro Zinc Chef & Co-owner
2004 - 2007 Como's Steakhouse Chef & Owner
1998 - Present Bouchon Co-owner/Partner
1995 La Tour d'Argent Stagiaire
1992 - 1994 Le Moulin de Mougins Stagiaire
1986 - 1988 The Summer House Chef & Co-proprietor
1984 - 1987 The Grocery Restaurant Chef & Co-owner
1982 - 1998 The Woodbox Inn Chef & Operator
1977 - 1982 Galley Beach Chef
1976 - 1977 The Club Car Junior Sous Chef
1972 - 1976 Petite Marmite Stagiaire
1972 - 1973 The Fish Thing Chef
1971 - 1976 Petite Marmite
From Commis to Sous Chef
Sous Chef
1969 - 1971 Redwood Inn Cook Apprentice
1968 International Inn Dishwasher
Last updated: 2015-09-05

Born in The United States | Born in 1955


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