Mark Peel

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Duration Place City Position
  -- Bombo Chef & Owner
2013 Campanile LAX
Left before opening
Executive Chef & Partner
2009 - 2012 The Tar Pit Executive Chef & Partner
2009 - 2011 The Point Executive Chef
2007 Oasis Bar & Restaurant Co-owner/Partner
2001 - 2012 La Brea Bakery Landlord
2001 - 2004 Jar Co-owner/Partner
1989 - 2012 Campanile Executive Chef
1989 - 2001 La Brea Bakery Co-owner/Partner
1985 - 1986 Maxwell's Plum Executive Chef
1982 - 1985 Spago
Opening Chef
Head Chef
1981 - 1982 Chez Panisse --
1979 - 1980 Michael's Restaurant Sous Chef
  -- Le Moulin de Mougins Apprentice/Commis
  -- La Tour d'Argent Apprentice/Commis
  -- Ma Maison Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2021-06-21


  • New Classic Family Dinners, Wiley (2009, Hardcover, 288 pages)
  • The Food of Campanille, Villard (1997, Softcover, 320 pages)
  • Mark Peel and Nancy Silverton At Home, Warner Books Inc. (1994, Hardcover, 332 pages)

Born in The United States | Died in 2021 | Deceased people | External references


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