K. David Clawson
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In K. David's own words ...
After a brief introduction to French Cuisine in a neighborhood bistro in Northern Virginia, K. David Clawson was recommended by his first mentoring chef to work at La Caravelle Restaurant in New York City. Known for the fine
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K. David   Clawson

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Member-submitted profile Member since: April 1, 2013
Duration Place City Position
2014 - Present David Clawson Restaurant Chef & Owner
2008 - 2013 Game Creek Club & Restaurant Executive Chef
2006 - 2008 Le Méridien San Francisco Executive Chef
1998 - 2006 The Clawson Group Vice President of Hospitality
1995 - 1997 Hotel Nikko Executive Chef
1990 - 1994 The Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner Executive Sous Chef
1986 - 1989 Four Ways Restaurant Executive Chef
1983 - 1985 The Inn at Little Washington Sous Chef
1981 - 1983 La Caravelle Saucier
Last updated: 2014-08-31

Born in The United States


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