Stephen Hall
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In Stephen's own words ...
Grand Hotel Cobourg - Junior Sous Chef
1983 - 1984

King Edward Hotel Toronto - Sous Chef
1984 - 1987

Royal York Hotel - Toronto - Sous Chef
1987 - 1990

King Edward Hotel Toro
... More

Stephen   Hall

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Member-submitted profile Member since: February 27, 2013
Duration Place City Position
1991 - 1994 King Edward Hotel Senior Sous Chef
1987 - 1989 Fairmont Royal York Sous Chef
1983 - 1987 King Edward Hotel Sous Chef
Last updated: 2013-02-28

Born in Canada

Cuisines and Specialties (self-selected):
Bistro | Central American | French | German | Italian | Latin American | Mediterranean | Steakhouse


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