Walter Scheib III

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Duration Place City Position
2005 - 2015 Walter Scheib - Private
The American Chef
1994 - 2005 The White House
Clinton and Bush (43)
Executive Chef
1990 - 1994 The Greenbrier Executive Chef
1986 - 1990 Boca Raton Resort & Club Executive Chef
[1985 - 1986] Hilton Washington Executive Chef
[1979] Hilton Washington Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2015-06-22

  • Scheib began his career at the age of 15 when he worked as a dishwasher at a Woolworth's lunch counter. By age 20 he was managing a steakhouse in suburban Maryland.



Born in The United States | Born in 1954 | Died in 2015 | Deceased people | American Chef Corps | External references


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