Judson (Jud) Simpson

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Duration Place City Position
1991 - Present House of Commons Executive Chef
1989 - 1991 Chimo Hotel Executive Chef
[1988 - 1989] Sheraton Toronto East
Whitesides Fine Dining Room
Executive Sous Chef
  -- King Edward Hotel Garde Manger
  -- Napoléon Apprentice/Commis
  -- Hazelton Café Apprentice/Commis
  -- Fenton's Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2006-02-16

  • Chef Simpson was elected President of the Canadian Culinary Federation (CCFCC) for the term 2006 to 2008



  • Team Manager, Team Canada, World Culinary Olympics, Erfurt (2004)
  • Support Member, Team Canada, Culinary Grand Prix ScotHot, Glasgow (2001)
    Result: World Champions
  • Team Manager, Team Ontario, World Culinary Olympics, Erfurt (2000)
    Result: Grand Gold
  • Team Captain, Team Toronto, World Culinary Olympics, Frankfurt (1992)
    Result: Silver
  • Team Captain, Torcook, World Culinary Olympics, Frankfurt (1988)
    Result: Grand Gold


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