Linda Sarris
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Linda   Sarris

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Member-submitted profile Member since: February 18, 2011
Duration Place City Position
2012 - Present Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School Sous Chef
2012 Aqua Blu Kitchen & Cocktails Sous Chef
2012 - Present Eataly NYC Flatiron Fishmonger
2011 - Present International Culinary Center Freelance Catering Chef
2011 Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School Stagista di Cucina
2010 - 2012 De Gustibus Cooking School Assistant Chef
2010 Diner Stagiaire
2010 Marlow and Sons Stagiaire
Last updated: 2012-12-25


Born in The United States

Cuisines and Specialties (self-selected):
Italian | Latin American | Seafood


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