Jonathan McDonough
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Jonathan   McDonough

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Member-submitted profile Member since: October 27, 2005
Duration Place City Position
2012 - Present Comfortrestaurant Chef & Co-owner
2008 - Present Chef Jono Ltd. Fine Foods Manufacturing Chef & Co-owner
2005 - Present Chefjono Personal Chef
Catering Chef
1998 - Present Shasha Bread Company
Sales Executive
1997 - 1998 Jonathan McDonough - Private Private Chef
1996 - 1997 Ford/Saleen Race Team Private Chef
1995 - 1996 Raclette Chef or Executive Chef
1995 - 1996 SODA Marketta Grill Consulting Chef
1994 - 1995 Milano Consulting Chef
1990 The Senator Dining Room Chef or Executive Chef
1983 - 1988 Cibo Chef or Executive Chef
1982 - 1983 Fenton's Saucier
1979 - 1982 Carlevale's Sous Chef
Last updated: 2012-02-20

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