Christophe Letard
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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2014 - Present Belle Mont Farm Executive Chef
2008 - 2014 Government House of British Columbia Executive Chef
2007 - 2008 Cobblers Cove Executive Chef
2000 - 2007 The Aerie Executive Chef
1999 - 2000 The Aerie Sous Chef
1995 - 1998 The Domain of Killien Chef or Executive Chef
1994 La Joie de Vivre
The Joie de Vivre is a luxury cruising barge operating in the Burgundy region of France.
Chef or Executive Chef
1993 Ston Easton Park Hotel Sous Chef
1993 Normandie Hotel Sous Chef
1992 Inn at Manitou Sous Chef
1991 Langdon Hall Chef de Partie
1991 Inn at Manitou Chef de Partie
1989 La Reserve Pastry Chef
Chef de Partie
1989 La Ferme St. Simeon Chef de Partie
1988 Aalborg Hotel Second Chef
1987 Le Bimbo Pastry Apprentice/Commis
1981 - 1985 Hotel Savoie et Leman Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2014-11-14

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