Jeremy Hardy

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Duration Place City Position
2006 - Present Mioposto Co-owner
2004 - 2009 The Hi-Life Co-owner
2003 - 2009 Endolyne Joe's Co-owner
1999 - 2009 Atlas Foods
Split April 2009
1993 - Present Coastal Kitchen Co-owner
1991 - 2009 5 Spot Co-owner
1988 - 2005 Jitterbug Co-owner
Last updated: 2010-01-12

  • Peter Levy and Jeremy Hardy opened their first restaurant (Beeliner Diner) in 1988. The pair under the name Chow Foods continued to open restaurants until April 2009 when the partnership was dissolved. Peter Levy continued to use the corporate name Chow Foods and Jeremy Hardy proceeded under the name Seattle Eats.


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