Carl Wirz
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Carl   Wirz

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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 19, 2009
Duration Place City Position
2003 - Present Swiss Chalet Fine Foods Culinary Sales Consultant
2002 - 2003 Whole Foods Market Bakery Team Leader
1998 - 2001 Orange County Culinary School Executive Chef
Head Culinary Instructor
1994 - 1998 Disneyland Hotel Executive Sous Chef
Executive Pastry Chef
1989 - 1994 Disneyland Hotel Executive Pastry Chef
1988 - 1989 Wolfgang Puck Desserts Pastry Chef
1979 - 1987 Suizeria Patisserie Inc. Owner/Operator
1971 - 1978 Hilton Hotel Western Hemisphere
Western Hemisphere
Pastry Chef
Last updated: 2010-10-09


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