Ray Works
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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 1, 2009
Duration Place City Position
2014 - Present Bakery Solutions Executive Pastry Chef
2011 - 2014 Resorts at Wendover Executive Pastry Chef
2007 - 2010 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Executive Pastry Chef
2003 - 2006 Ameristar Casino Hotel Kansas City Executive Pastry Chef
2000 - 2003 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Assistant Executive Pastry Chef
1997 - 2000 International Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Executive Pastry Chef
1995 - 1997 Ray Works T Co.
1991 - 1994 Le Petit Country Bakery Pastry Chef
1986 - 1991 European Bakery Baker
1985 - 1986 The Bakery at Powell Place Pastry Chef
1983 - 1985 Andreason's Bakery Baker
1980 - 1983 Vie De France Production Supervisor
Last updated: 2015-02-12

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