Albino Silva

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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2010 - Present Salt Wine Bar Owner/Proprietor
2008 - 2010 Oasi Co-owner/Partner
General Manager
2003 - Present Senhor Antonio Tapas and Wine Bar Owner/Proprietor
1996 - Present Adega Chef & Co-owner
[1995] Circo Co-owner/Partner
1992 - 2002 Boémia Consultant
1991 - Present Chiado Co-owner/Partner
1990 - 1991 Centro --
1989 - 1990 Centro Cook
1987 - 1989 Culinary Institute of America Instructor
1980 - 1981 Eurosol Co-owner/Partner
1977 - 1985 Whaler's Wharf Manager
1976 Whaler's Wharf Server
1973 The Cossacks Busboy
1973 - 1974 The Cossacks Chef
Last updated: 2012-08-21

  • Independent Restaurateur, Ontario Hostelry Institute (1999)

External references


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