Axel Bach
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Member-submitted profile Member since: November 25, 2007
Duration Place City Position
2011 - Present Hotel Tannenhof Owner
2003 - 2010 Osteria del Cardinale Chef & Owner
1999 - 2003 Pomp Duck and Circumstance
On European tour - Cirque du Soleil
Managing Director
1995 - 1999 Mangostin Asia Restaurants Managing Director
1992 Club Calimera Managing Director
1988 - 1992 Bistro Terrine Service Director
1987 - 1988 Tantris Chef de Rang
1985 - 1987 Hotel am Badersee Chef de Partie
1984 - 1985 Hotel Almhof Schneider Chef de Partie
1984 Käfer Schänke Chef de Partie
1983 - 1984 Aubergine Demi Chef de Poissonier
1982 - 1983 Tantris Tournant
1978 - 1982 City Park Hotel Chef
Last updated: 2014-01-18

Born in Germany | Born in 1963


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