Christopher DeGenova
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Christopher   DeGenova

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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 10, 2008
Duration Place City Position
2007 - 2008 Almost Famous Mel's South Beach Smokehouse & BBQ
Opening Executive Chef
Executive Chef
2006 - 2007 Lotus Asian Grill and Sushi Bar
Opening Executive Chef
Executive Chef
2005 Fat Pelican Sushi Bar Consultant
2004 - 2006 Zen Sushi Bar & Asian Grill
Opening Executive Chef
Executive Chef
2003 - 2004 The Forge Sous Chef
2001 - 2002 D'Agnese's Italian Restaurant Bar Manager
2000 Sushi Rock Assistant Manager
Bar Manager
1997 - 2000 Fat Cats Chef de Cuisine
1996 - 1997 Fat Cats Sous Chef
Last updated: 2008-01-12


Cuisines and Specialties (self-selected):
American | Asian | Barbecue | Bistro | Caribbean | Chinese | French | Indonesian | International | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Local | Mediterranean | Seafood | Shellfish | Southeast Asian | Spanish | Steakhouse | Tapas | Thai


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