Laura Prentice
(Laura Prentice-Katsuras)

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Member-submitted profile Member since: April 25, 2009
Duration Place City Position
2011 - 2013 The Playpen Chef & Co-owner
2004 - 2011 Tomi-Kro Chef
[2004 - 2006] Gio Rana's Really, Really Nice Restaurant Executive Chef
[2003 - 2004] Johnny K : The Restaurant Chef or Executive Chef
2001 - 2003 Gus Chef & Co-owner
1999 - 2000 Fancy Shoes (pasta for sale) Chef
1995 - 2003 Lolita's Chef & Co-owner
1994 - 1998 Pan on the Danforth Chef & Co-owner
1993 - 1995 The New Avec Chef & Co-owner
1992 - 1993 Avec Chef or Executive Chef
1991 - 1992 Hudson Chef
Last updated: 2013-09-06

Born in Canada | External references


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