LJ Ames

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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 3, 2008
Duration Place City Position
2013 - Present Blue Mountain Culinary Emporium Executive Chef
2012 - 2013 Boone County Hospital Executive Chef
2011 Tournament Club of Iowa Interim Chef de Cuisine
2011 - 2012 Tournament Club of Iowa Senior Sous Chef
2009 - 2010 Italian Garden Restaurant & Pizza Chef de Cuisine
Head Waiter
2008 - 2009 Hotel Pattee Chef de Cuisine
Banquet Chef
2008 Splash Seafood Bar & Grill Executive Sous Chef
2007 - 2008 Fort Dodge Country Club Executive Chef
2006 - 2007 Timeless Café Executive Chef
2002 - 2005 Ascutney Mountain Resort Co-associate Chef
2000 - 2002 22 Bowen's Wine Bar & Grille Senior Sous Chef
1998 - 2000 Delmonico's Junior Sous Chef
1994 - 1998 Bentley's Restaurant Junior Sous Chef
1988 - 1994 Tomaso's Senior Sous Chef
Last updated: 2013-06-08



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