Dan Kluger

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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 1, 2008
Duration Place City Position
2021 - 2022 Penny Bridge Executive Chef & Partner
2020 - Present Washington Squares Executive Chef & Partner
2015 - Present Loring Place Executive Chef & Partner
2013 - 2014 abc Cocina Executive Chef
2009 - 2014 abc Kitchen Executive Chef
Chef de Cuisine
2005 - 2009 The Core Club
Opening Chef
Executive Chef
2003 - 2005 Tabla Chef de Cuisine
1998 - 2003 Tabla Executive Sous Chef
1995 - 1998 Union Square Cafe Line Cook
Last updated: 2023-12-08


  • Chasing Flavors, Rux Martin/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2020, Hardcover, 368 pages)

Born in The United States | Born in 1973 | External references


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