Nigel Marriage

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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2007 - Present Eight.Two Head Chef
2006 - 2007 The New Angel
Cookery School
Chef Instructor
2004 - 2006 The New Angel Co-head chef
2000 - 2004 Effings Head Chef
1996 - 2000 Marriage's Charcuterie / Delicatessen Owner/Operator
1987 - 1995 L'Ortolan Chef de Cuisine
1986 Thatcher's Hotel and Restaurant Head Chef
1985 192 Head Chef
1984 Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons Head Chef
1978 - 1982 Michael's Nook Country House Head Chef
1977 The Carved Angel Second Chef
1975 - 1976 The Savoy Commis
Last updated: 2008-09-26


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