Juan Olivera
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Member-submitted profile Member since: September 10, 2018
Duration Place City Position
2018 La Tomate Bistro Chef de Cuisine
2017 - 2018 Detour Coffee Executive Chef
2016 - 2017 Barcelona Wine Bar Executive Sous Chef
2014 - 2016 Lupo Verde Sous Chef
2010 - 2012 Fast Gourmet Chef & Co-owner
2008 - 2010 Siena's Vegetarian Pizzeria and Restaurant Chef
2006 - 2008 Bambulé Sous Chef
2005 - 2006 Fat Punks' Line Cook
2005 - 2006 L'appetito Ristorante Sous Chef
2004 - 2005 El Paraiso III Line Cook
Last updated: 2018-09-15

Born in Uruguay

Cuisines and Specialties (self-selected):
American | Argentinean | Burgers | Chinese | French | Greek | Irish | Italian | Kosher | Latin American | Mediterranean | Middle Eastern | South American | Spanish | Tapas


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