Moe Mathieu

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Member-submitted profile Member since: August 21, 2009
Duration Place City Position
2016 - Present Luther College Food Service Manager
2009 - Present The Willow on Wascana Co-owner/Partner
2009 - 2016 SIAST Head Chef Instructor
2007 - 2009 Beer Brothers Bakery & Cuisine Development Chef
2007 French Laundry Stagiaire
2006 Alinea Stagiaire
2003 - 2009 The Willow on Wascana Chef & Co-owner
2003 Cafe St. Jean Line Cook
2003 John's Island Club Line Cook
2002 Spadina Freehouse Prep Cook
2000 - 2002 Talismen Hospitality and Catering
High Level, AB and Saskatoon, SK
Multiple Cities
Last updated: 2016-11-16


Born in Canada | External references


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