Timothy Hollingsworth
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Duration Place City Position
2019 - 2021 All These Years
Did not open
Chef & Owner
2018 - Present Free Play Chef & Owner/Partner
2018 - Present C.J. Boyd's Fried Chicken Chef & Owner/Partner
2014 - Present Otium Executive Chef & Partner
2014 - 2017 Barrel & Ashes Executive Chef & Partner
2013 Zislis Group Consulting Chef
2009 - 2013 French Laundry Chef de Cuisine
2002 - 2009 French Laundry Sous Chef
  -- Zachary Jacques Dishwasher
Last updated: 2022-03-10

  • Chef Hollingsworth represented the U.S. at Bocuse d'Or, Lyon, France, January 2009. (6/24)


Born in The United States | Born in 1980 |  People you can follow on Instagram | Bocuse d'Or | External references


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